Winter stays too long... I need hot degrees i need feeling sun tanning my skin and reflecting on white houses... like so far! First it was to ensane houses... but Lime coated on mediteranean homes became quickly a total south style shape...And myself, I'm addict to the south... and to lime coated houses...
Sifnos © Cartier Bresson 1961
Bonne promenade enchaulée... Enjoy this limed trip!
Chez Paola Navone via marieclairemaison

Paros © Casalil 2011
inspiring pics via marieclairemaison
and my Lezarde in Provence © Casalil 2011
On va mieux là non?? Aren't you feeling better now??
A très vite mes amis de la toile!! See you soon dear blogger friends!!
L a u
Ah, Lau...Beautiful pictures, this post is very well done, makes me feel, and dream...and those mediterranean houses pure simplicity, and tons of charm...
RépondreSupprimerBig hugs!
Love the inspiration!
RépondreSupprimerHave a great weekend!
Hege x
En pure méditerranéenne que je suis, oui oui et oui j'aime j'adore la chaux, le soleil qui va avec et boire un verre le soir au pied de la porte avec la chaleur de la journée qui se dégage délicieusement.Addict to the south too!Merci pour tes photos.
RépondreSupprimerJust love these shots Lau-just what we need for a bit of escapism from our very wet and cold weather here in the UK-thank you! Cx
RépondreSupprimerah ben oui,ça va beaucoup mieux !
Beautiful places! Great blog!Love the inspiration! Feel the sun!
RépondreSupprimerLove from your latest follower
Lovely pics! Love the painted mat!
RépondreSupprimerHave a nice day! hx
lovely images! Happy Monday!
RépondreSupprimerHello Lau
RépondreSupprimerHope you're well. I have a challenge on my blog & hope you'll take part! have a nice weekend! hx