Merci a vous fidèles lecteurs qui restez toujours aussi fidèles malgré mes absences rallongées ces derniers temps... c'est pourtant un tel plaisir de vous retrouver... et partager avec vous ces "délices déco"... POur ceux qui s'en souviennent, il ya qq semaines je vous présentais le bureau-atelier d'un copain avec qui je travaille, une équipe très sympa et des projet pleins la tête, comme j'aime!! Il s'agissait ici de les aider à trouver comment "mettre un peu de soleil" dans leurs bureaux... 1ère étape d'un chantier encore en cours... inspiration Jaune!!
Thanks a lot to all of you dear readers who still come here despite my long absences on those days... Yet it's such a pleasure to meet you here... and share with you those "deco delights"... For those who read this post a few weeks ago, you fond below the following of the wonderful story of my friend's company, whose I'm working with, very friendly staff and full project head, as I like! I came there for helping them giving a lightly personality to their office... put the sunshine inside... and here is the 1st step of this gorgeous project we deal together... Yellow inspiration!!
Thanks a lot to all of you dear readers who still come here despite my long absences on those days... Yet it's such a pleasure to meet you here... and share with you those "deco delights"... For those who read this post a few weeks ago, you fond below the following of the wonderful story of my friend's company, whose I'm working with, very friendly staff and full project head, as I like! I came there for helping them giving a lightly personality to their office... put the sunshine inside... and here is the 1st step of this gorgeous project we deal together... Yellow inspiration!!

des cubes qui délimitent les espaces... ici la "maison" des stratèges...

et la salle de reunion... and the meeting room...

bientot la suite... avec le corner des creatifs... Ca vous plait??...
And soon the creative team corner... Do you like it??
photos © Casalil 2012
so loving the big lights! and punch of neon
x kat