Desiree nous a invité a lui envoyé qq photos de nos blackboard corners... alors voici le mien.. la porte de la cuisine que j'avais déja postée ici... et comme c'est en cuisine que je stationne le plus longtemps à Casalil... on y retrouve forcément... mes recettes du moment, les rendez vous du mois en cours, les "quote" stimulants... les dessins et attention des kids et les phrases de Lo en passant...
Desiree invited us to send her some pics of our blackboard projects at home... Here is mine... the kitchen door I showed it there. already...And as it is in the place where I stay long time a day at Casalil... we find there especially... seasonal recipes, dates of the month, stimulating quotes... together with drawings and little word from kids... and my Lo's sentences...

Desiree invited us to send her some pics of our blackboard projects at home... Here is mine... the kitchen door I showed it there. already...And as it is in the place where I stay long time a day at Casalil... we find there especially... seasonal recipes, dates of the month, stimulating quotes... together with drawings and little word from kids... and my Lo's sentences...

my "piece" of moodboard...

les dessins signés... signed drawings from Saul


Et juste a coté... d'un coup de pinceau restant, 2 cagettes se sont transformées en range légumes...
And just beside this door... with a blackboard brush, 2 wooden crates became vegetable boxes...

Et Saul continue son oeuvre... And Saul draws for hours...

Et vous...??? avez vous un mur blackboard chez vous maintenant?? Montrez moi... j'adooore!!!
And what about you?? Do you have a blackboard wall now at home?? Please let's show... I loooove!!
credit photos © Casalil 2012
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